Collaborate with the community and your team

While Hotspotty helps you work smarter with your team to optimize your hotspot portfolio, it is also a platform for communication and collaboration with your local Helium community.

By enabling you to work with other willing hotspot owners and partners, you can join forces, learn from each other, solve problems and continually improve the people’s network – together.

Message verified hotspot owners in your hexes, with integrated Discord chat

Verifying your wallet gives you the option to be automatically added to separate Discord channels for owners who have hotspots in the same or neighboring hexes.

This enables verified owners to message and collaborate with other verified owners whose hotspots are impacting each other.

Create multiple workspaces, user accounts and permission settings for your teams

If you have people working with you to manage your hotspot portfolio, and leverage Hotspotty’s data and functionality, you can add separate workspaces for different team members – with a range of permission levels to help manage users’ access and control.

As with all the data, planning and collaboration opportunities Hotspotty delivers, the full range of combinable labels also carries over between teams. This makes it easier for your team members to find relevant hotspots, wallets, contacts, locations and installs across portfolios.

1 Understand

Easily visualize and completely understand all your Helium hotspot data, on one platform.

2 Optimize

Plan and optimize locations with advanced reward scale analytics

3 Collaborate

Collaborate with the community and your team with integrated Discord chat

4 Payout

Keep your hosts and partners happy with assisted HNT payouts

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