Visualize and understand all your hotspot data

Hotspotty provides more comprehensive and detailed information about your Helium hotspots than any other tool.

Import & view selected wallets for your portfolio

Get started by adding whole wallets by address or find wallets by individual hotspot names – and add individual hotspots to your portfolio.

Understand hotspot portfolio performance at a glance

The dashboard visualizes the key statistics and datapoints you need to know about your portfolio of hotspots, and individual hotspots, including rewards by type and reward performance over time – with rolling averages that make it easy to spot the important trends.

Clearer, easier to use mapping tools

The map enables you to take a high-level regional view of hotspot distribution, congestion, and performance.

See color coded hotspot statuses on the map according to a range of variables, including online status, simulated reward scale, reward factor, HNT rewards and witnessing types.

Learn how the Helium network has - and will - evolve in your region

A ‘time travel’ function reveals exactly how hotspot population density has changed, and the impact this has had on the reward scale – showing just why advanced location planning and collaboration are so important.

Know precisely what’s driving or penalizing your reward scale

You can also go deep into individual hotspot data to understand how and why they are performing relative to other devices, in terms of rewards, reward scaling and witnesses.

Detailed warnings support more advanced troubleshooting

Stay on top of hardware status in your hotspot portfolio, and see instantly if devices are offline, relayed or suffering from reward scale reductions.

1 Understand

Easily visualize and completely understand all your Helium hotspot data, on one platform.

2 Optimize

Plan and optimize locations with advanced reward scale analytics

3 Collaborate

Collaborate with the community and your team with integrated Discord chat

4 Payout

Keep your hosts and partners happy with assisted HNT payouts

Want to take a look?

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